to sum up同義詞

同義詞 形成看法; 總結 add up to, conclude sum up vi 不及物動詞 總結 概述要點 vt 及物動詞 總結 對…作概述 更多內容 » Oxford Dictionaries sum up vi 不及物動詞 總結 概述要點 vt 及物動詞 ...

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When you are away from your PC and there is no one to answer your incoming Skype calls, KishKish SAM will pick up the call, play a greeting message and the all-time classic beep, so the calling party ...

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  • Synonyms for to sum up at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definiti...
    To sum up Synonyms, To sum up Antonyms | ...
  • 同義詞 形成看法; 總結 add up to, conclude sum up vi 不及物動詞 總結 概述要點 vt 及物動詞 總結 對…作概述 更多內容 » Oxford Di...
    sum up - Yahoo香港字典 搜尋結果
  • sum up的意思、解釋及翻譯:When a judge sums up towards the end of a trial, he or she makes a speech ...
    sum up在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
  • on the whole, in short, in summary, in the long run to sum up, finally, in a word 31. 綜合說明...
    嗨!!歡迎來到: 英語寫作 - 轉折(承)語
  • sum-up中文總結…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋sum-up的中文翻譯,sum-up ... 同義詞 :summary, 相關詞匯 summing 中文 sum test 中文...
    sum-up中文翻譯,sum-up是什麼意思:總結…《查查》英語翻譯 ...
  • sum (sth/sb) up的意思、解釋及翻譯:to describe or express the important facts or characteristics abo...
    sum (sthsb) up在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
  • in conclusion // in summary // lastly // finally // to sum up // to conclude // to recapit...
    剑桥阅读替换同义词(一) - 北京新东方学校-北京新东方官方网站 ...
  • determine the sum of; "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring to...
    sum up中文翻譯,sum up是什麼意思:總結…《查查》英語翻譯 ...
  • 最后:my point of view is; let us draw a conclusion; to sum up; 以后写作文的时候,可以用到哦~~ 原文链接:不要只会说fi...
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